SKR provides top-notch Audit services to corporate clients.
Our Internal audit services help address and manage risks to any enterprise, while optimizing business performance.
What we do
- Provide assistance in ensuring compliance with regulations, key policies, internal control procedures, local and international laws
- Implement stringent internal controls to handle potential risks
- Ensure timely fraud-risk management by evaluating framework and internal controls, and designing a plan to handle potential frauds
Our Statutory Audit services provide a combination of value and compliance to clients.
What we do
- Evaluate the accuracy and validity of financial statements with respect to applicable accounting standards
- Assess whether financial statements are free of material misstatement, due to error or fraud
- File/Submit audited financial statements for the perusal of Investors/Creditors/Government bodies
Our RBIA services help organizations identify and manage risks at a strategic and operational level.
What we do
- Assess risk maturity or the degree to which the management determines, evaluates, manages and monitors risks
- Provide assurance regarding the effectiveness of risk management processes
- Establish good risk management practices by improving internal controls
- Provide assistance in complete and accurate reporting and classification of risks
Our IS Audit services help organizations understand and assess operational and tactical risks, stemming from the use of information technology, and how these risks relate to critical business processes.
What we do
- Determine if Information Technology procedures & controls meet regulatory standards and maintain legal compliance
- Report on IT Governance
- Test the design and operating effectiveness of IT General Controls and Application Automated Controls
We conduct SOC audits type 1 & 2 for service organizations to help these businesses retain existing clients and win new ones, by providing assurance regarding financial reporting controls, regulatory compliance, data security and privacy, processing integrity and confidentiality.
What we do
- Evaluate and report the effectiveness of key controls and processes of a service organization in compliance with SSAE 16 & ISAE 3402 standards
- Evaluate information systems with respect to security, availability, processing, integrity, confidentiality or privacy
- Prepare an organization for service audit by providing readiness assessments on the design effectiveness of key control activities